
State Gemstones, Minerals, Fossils and Rocks

ALABAMA = GEMSTONE: Star Blue Quartz - MINERAL: Hematite - FOSSIL: Basilosaurus cetoides - ROCK: Marble

ALASKA = GEMSTONE: Nephrite Jade - MINERAL: Gold - FOSSIL: Woolly Mammoth

ARIZONA = GEMSTONE: Turquoise - MINERAL: Wulfenite - FOSSIL: Araucarioxylon arizonicum

ARKANSAS = GEMSTONE: Diamond - MINERAL: Quartz - ROCK: Bauxite

CALIFORNIA = GEMSTONE: Benitoite - MINERAL: Gold - FOSSIL: Saber-toothed cat - ROCK: Serpentine

COLORADO = GEMSTONE: Aquamarine - MINERAL: Rhodochrosite - FOSSIL: Stegosaurus armatus - ROCK: Yule Marble      

CONNECTICUT = MINERAL: Almandine Garnet – FOSSIL: Eubrontes giganteus                                                     

DELAWARE = MINERAL: Sillimanite - FOSSIL: Belemnitella americana

FLORIDA = GEMSTONE: Moonstone - ROCK: Agatized Coral

GEORGIA = GEMSTONE: Quartz - MINERAL: Staurolite - FOSSIL: Shark teeth                                                     

HAWAII = GEMSTONE: Black Coral                         

IDAHO = GEMSTONE: Star Garnet - FOSSIL: Hagerman horse                                                                  

ILLINOIS = MINERAL: Fluorite - FOSSIL: Tully monster - ROCK: Dolostone

INDIANA = ROCK: Salem Limestone

IOWA = ROCK: Geode

KANSAS = GEMSTONE: Jelenite (Amber)- MINERAL: Galena - ROCK: Greenhorn Limestone

KENTUCKY = GEMSTONE: Freshwater Pearl - MINERAL: Coal - FOSSIL: Brachiopods - ROCK: Kentucky Agate

LOUISIANA = GEMSTONE: Lapearlite (shell) - MINERAL: Agate - ROCK:     Petrified Palmwood

MAINE = GEMSTONE: Tourmaline - FOSSIL: Pertica quadrifaria - ROCK: Granitic Pegmatite

MARYLAND = GEMSTONE: Patuxet River Stone (Agate) – FOSSIL: Murex snail

MASSACHUSETTS = GEMSTONE: Rhodonite - MINERAL: Babingtonite - FOSSIL: Dinosaur tracks - ROCK: Roxbury Puddingstone

MICHIGAN = GEMSTONE: Chlorastrolite - FOSSIL: American Mastodon - ROCK: Petoskey Stone

MINNESOTA = GEMSTONE: Lake Superior Agate

MISSISSIPPI = GEMSTONE: Opal - FOSSIL: Basilosaurus cetoides and Zygorhiza kochii - ROCK: Petrified Wood

MISSOURI = MINERAL: Galena - FOSSIL: Delocrinus missouriensis - ROCK: Mozarkite

MONTANA = GEMSTONE: Sapphire & Montana Agate - FOSSIL: Maiasaura peeblesorum

NEBRASKA = GEMSTONE: Blue Chalcedony - FOSSIL: Wooly, Columbian and Imperial mammoths - ROCK: Prairie Agate

NEVADA = GEMSTONE: Virgin Valley Opal & Turquoise - MINERAL: Silver - FOSSIL: Shonisaurus popularis – ROCK: Sandstone

NEW HAMPSHIRE = GEMSTONE: Smoky Quartz - MINERAL: Beryl - ROCK: Granite

NEW JERSEY = MINERAL: Franklinite - FOSSIL: Hadrosaurus foulkii

NEW MEXICO = GEMSTONE: Turquoise - FOSSIL: Coelophysis bauri

NEW YORK = GEMSTONE: Garnet – FOSSIL: Eurypterus remipes


NORTH DAKOTA = FOSSIL: Shipworm-bored petrified wood

OHIO = GEMSTONE: Ohio Flint - FOSSIL: Isotelus maximus                                                                        

OKLAHOMA = CRYSTAL: Hourglass Selenite - FOSSIL: Saurophaganax maximus - ROCK: Barite Rose

OREGON = GEMSTONE: Oregon Sunstone - MINERAL: Oregonite & Josephinite - FOSSIL: Metasequoia glyptostroboides - ROCK: Thunderegg


RHODE ISLAND = MINERAL: Bowenite - ROCK: Cumberlandite

SOUTH CAROLINA = GEMSTONE: Amethyst - ROCK: Blue Granite

SOUTH DAKOTA = GEMSTONE: Fairburn Agate - MINERAL: Rose Quartz - FOSSIL: Triceratops horridus

TENNESSEE = GEMSTONE: Tennessee River Pearl - MINERAL: Agate - FOSSIL: Pterotrigonia thoracica - ROCK: Limestone

TEXAS = GEMSTONE: Texas Blue Topaz - MINERAL: Silver - FOSSIL: Pleurocoelus nanus - ROCK: Petrified Palmwood

UTAH = GEMSTONE: Topaz - MINERAL: Copper - FOSSIL: Allosaurus fragilis - ROCK: Coal

VERMONT = GEMSTONE: Grossular Garnet - MINERAL: Talc - FOSSIL: Beluga Whale - ROCK: Granite, Marble and Slate

VIRGINA = FOSSIL: Chesapecten jeffersonius - ROCK: Nelsonite

WASHINGTON = GEMSTONE: Petrified Wood - FOSSIL: Columbian Mammoth

WEST VIRGINIA = MINERAL: Mississippian Lithostrotionella fossil coral - FOSSIL: Jefferson's Ground Sloth - ROCK: Bituminous coal

WISCONSIN = MINERAL: Galena - FOSSIL: Calymene celebra - ROCK: Red Granite

WYOMING = GEMSTONE: Wyoming Nephrite Jade - FOSSIL: Knightia



Some states actually have official dinosaurs too!

Colorado: Stegosaurus

Maryland: Astrodon johnstoni

Missouri: Hypsibema missouriensis

New Jersey: Hadrosaurus foulkii

Texas: Pleurocoelus (1997-2009) Paluxysaurus jonesi (2009-)

Washington, D.C.: Capitalsaurus

Wyoming: Triceratops