Product Description
Oval shaped semiprecious gemstone Star Rutilated Quartz designer cabochon 25.5 mm by 14.5 mm and 6.5 mm thick.
These are cut with a smaller table on the bottom.
What might be considered the "Holy Grail" for quartz inclusion collectors is the rutile/hematite starburst. In these pieces a six sided, shiny black hematite crystal serves as an alignment point for the rutiles which, in the best examples, line up in parallel bundles along each face forming a six rayed star with a hematite center. Such pieces are sought after and highly valued even when the stars overlap or are incomplete.
This is one of the cabochon stones that is actually prized for its inclusions! Gold-colored, hairlike inclusions of rutile embedded in this semi precious gemstone give it the appearance of a lightning show or meteor shower.
Metaphysical Properties: Rutilated Quartz is said to enhance physical and mental balance and stability, self-reliance and finding one's way. Many also attribute diminished fear and depression to the gemstone. AND it is also believed to slow down the aging process!