Colorful semiprecious gemstone Chrysocolla Cuprite makes very striking designer cabochons. The blue/green is Chrysocolla, the red is Cuprite, (but it also has Chalcotricite, which is the orangey red), and the black is Iron.
The mostly solid red designer cabochons are sometimes called Crimson Cuprite.
This Chrysocolla Cuprite is from the Milpillas Mine, Milpillas, Santa Cruz Municipality, Sonora, Mexico.
Though first discovered in 1978, the mine didn't really get developed or reach the coper ores until 2006. Though most copper mines are open pit mines, this material is covered by 1000 feet of gravel! Some of the greatest azurite crystals in the world have come from this mine, as well as killer associates including superb cuprites and the world’s finest brochantite and volborthite.
The mine closed in 2019 and this material is no longer coming out. It is my understanding that they are now back filling the mine!
Chrysocolla is known as a healing stone among Native American Indian cultures where it was used for strengthening the body's resistance and bringing about calm feelings where there is upset.
Chrysocolla is named from the Greek chrysos - "gold" and kolla - "glue" in allusion to the name of the material used to solder gold. Cuprite is named from the Latin, cuprum, meaning copper.
Chrysocolla is associated with serenity, tranquility, peace, patience, tolerance, acceptance, unconditional love, meditation, calmness, hope, gentleness and sensitivity. Cuprite is believed to assist us in dealing with female relationships, mother, sister, daughter, wife or a female partner. Cuprite is also said to be helpful in dealing with major problems: irrational anxieties, terror from past traumas, and fear of dying.