The semiprecious gemstone material comes from the Kalahari Basin near the tip South Africa And it formed approximately 66 million years ago
Jasper is an ornamental rock composed mostly of chalcedony, microcrystalline quartz, in association with other minerals, which give it colorful bands and patterns. It is found all over the world and is usually named after its location or its physical appearance.
Red Jasper can range from brick red to orangey red. It gets its beautiful color from a high Iron content.
The white and light beige bands in this cabochon stone material are Quartz and are party translucent!
Jasper was a favorite gem in the ancient world, and the name jasper can be traced back in Hebrew, Assyrian, Persian, Greek, and Latin.
The Greek origin of the word jasper, iaspis, means "spotted stone", and most Jaspers are named for their location or appearance.
Metaphysical Properties of Red Jasper: Red Jasper is called a stone of fairness and justice because mystical lore claims that it decreases unjustness and helps in unfair situations. It is also said to enhance responsibility, choice, and compassion. Wearing a Red Jasper cabochon is said to assist in physical strength and energy.