Cotham Marble, also known as Landscape Marble, is a variety of Rhaetian stromatolite limestone from the Penarth Group, found in south Wales and southwestern England in the area around Bristol, possibly extending to the south coast in east Devon.
Cotham Marble is a fossil or a stromatolite. Stromatolites are the oldest known fossils, dating back more than 3 billion years. Basically stromatolites are prokaryotes (cyanobacteria-sort of an ancient cousin to algae) that thrived in warm aquatic environments and built reefs much the same way as coral does today. They are the oldest living organisms on the planet, and are believed to be the first living organisms on Earth.
Though called Cotham Marble, it is actually a limestone, not a marble. It is from the Triassic period and is about 220 million years old.
The name Stromatolite comes from the Greek words that mean bed of rocks.
Metaphysical Properties of Cotham Marble: Fossils are said to help increase accomplishments in the area of business and add excellence to one's environment. They are also believed to aid one in being open to change and new ideas.