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Chinese Writing Rock Cabs

These cabochons are Chinese Writing Rock, or Chinese Writing Stone. 

Chinese Writing Rock is named for its interesting shapes of Feldspar crystals in a black Basalt, similiar to the complicated symbols in Chinese writings.

This lapidary material is called a Porphyry, which is a term used for the textural consistency in igneous rock. This name is given to any igneous rocks with large grained crystals (such as feldspar or quartz) dispersed in a fine-grained silicate-rich matrix. 

It comes from Auburn, California and was found while cutting a highway. Only so much was recovered before the highway was finished and unfortunately the area is now inaccessible.

Feldspar is the most common rock-forming mineral and makes up about 60% of the earth's crust. Feldspar occurs in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. It is usually white or light colored and has a hardness of 6.

Metaphysical Properties of Chinese Writing Rock:

Feldspar is said to assist one in detaching from the old ways, encouraging unconventional, more exciting methods to attain ones goals. It is also said to assist in locating misplaced things!

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