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Brazilian Agate Sets

Lovely Piranha Agate from Brazil custom cut into designer cabochon sets.

For more information about Piranha Agate from Brazil click here.

  • Brazilian Agate Cabochon 3 piece Set or Suite of  Jewelry Stones #4 Brazilian Agate Cabochon 3 piece Set or Suite of  Jewelry Stones #4

    Brazilian Piranha Agate Cabochon Suite or Set #4

    This is a 3 piece suite or set of semiprecious gemstone Piranha Agate cabochons from Brazil. It is very translucent with light brown, darker reddish brown and clear banding. The center stone cabochon is a bowed triangle shape 19 mm long with 19 mm...

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  • Brazilian Piranha Agate Cabochon 3 piece Set of Stones#6 Brazilian Piranha Agate Cabochon 3 piece Set of Stones#6

    Brazilian Piranha Agate Cabochon Suite or Set #6

    This is a 3 piece suite or set of semiprecious gemstone Piranha Agate cabochons from Brazil. It is very translucent with light brown, darker reddish brown and clear banding. The center stone cabochon is a bowed triangle shape 19 mm long with 19 mm...

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  • Brazilian Agate Cabochons 5 Stone Suite or Set Gemstones #2 Brazilian Agate Cabochons 5 Stone Suite or Set Gemstones #2

    Brazilian Piranha Agate Cabochon Suite or Set #2

    5 piece setThis is a 5 piece suite or set of semi precious gemstone Piranha Agate cabochons from Brazil. It is very translucent with brown, white and black banding. The center stone cabochon is a bowed triangle shape 38 mm (1.5 inches) long by 29...

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  • Brazilian Piranha Agate Cabochons Suite or Set #3 Brazilian Piranha Agate Cabochons Suite or Set #3

    Brazilian Piranha Agate Cabochons Suite or Set #3

    This is a 5 piece suite or set of semiprecious gemstone Piranha Agate cabochons from Brazil. They are very translucent with reddish brown pattern. The center stone cabochon is a bowed triangle shape 37 mm (1.5 inches) long by 29 mm wide at the bottom...

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